PhD course in Chemical Sciences
– Study of the dynamical evolution of the structural correlations in a Propylammonium nitrate - N-Metyl Pyrrolidone systems.
The study examines the conformation characteristics of various Propylammonium nitrate (Ionic Liquid) and N-Metyl Pyrrolidone mixtures, and their structural modification with different composition. X-ray diffraction patterns are collected at the EDXD home facility and the collection of the diffraction spectra runs parallel to molecular dynamics simulations aiming to understanding inter and intra molecular correlations.
– Study of the Choline Amino Acid systems and their application in the Cultural Heritage.
The study involves an experimental characterization of some last generation ionic liquids formed from choline and from an amino acid. The aim is evaluate the correlation between ionic liquid structures and their physico-chemical properties with the use of different techniques: conductivity, viscosity and densimetry.
The research includes also the study of the effect of these ionic liquid compound on the pretreatment and restoration of aging paper to assess their ability to renforce cellulose structure.