1) FISR project NUME "Energy Dispersive X-ray Diffraction Studies on proton conductive membranes for fuel cell applications"
2)Bio-compatible materials: in situ and time resolved characterization of cementation ad setting of nanohydroxyapatite and (dental and bone filling material), various calcium phosphates (bone cements), study of phase transformations during the hardening reactions, etc.
3)Gas Sensing materials: Phthalocyanines, metallo-Phthalocyanines, Phorphyrazine and metallo- Phorphyrazine as suitable materials for gas sensing applications (es: NO2, VOCs, H2O) and for the development of sensing devices
4)Plastic Organic Solar Cells: In situ and Time resolved morphological characterization of the building materials and of the final devices to improve the efficiencies and study the degradation processes
5)Magnetic Materials for the development of fast Magnetic recording systems: Structural (EDXD) and morphological (EDXR, AFM) characterization